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The project



Expected results

The objectives of the project are:

To define the relationship between the concentrations of single volatile fatty acids that set up the volatile fatty acids profile (VFAP) and the operating conditions of the AD plant.
It is well known that VFAP is highly dependent on the operating conditions of the plant, especially on the feed characteristics (organic load and composition). The objective is to create a mathematical model that correlates changes in the feed with changes in the VFAP (model 1).

To develop a new VFAP on-line monitoring system based on spectroscopy (optical technology).
The monitoring system includes three main parts that need to be developed: the optical probe, the spectrometer and the mathematical model (model 2) that correlates the optical signal into VFA concentrations.


To develop a decision-making system for the control of AD plants based on the on-line monitoring of VFAP.

This software will join model 1 and model 2 and will be capable of controlling the plant on the basis of VFAP measurements.


To validate the full system at pilot and industrial scale.

The aim of the validation is both technical and for dissemination purposes.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement N.315115.